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Showing posts from May 10, 2018

What is Psychology?

APSARA KATUWAL DANGOL What is Psychology? Simply, Psychology is the study of mind and behavior (APA). It deals with the study of mind, how it works and how it affects behavior. Main points of Psychology a scientific study of the mind and behavior, the mental or behavioral characteristics of an individual and group (Merriam - Webster), includes many subfields (abnormal, anomalistic, behavioral genetics, biological, clinical, cognitive, community, counseling, development, educational, environmental, forensic, health, etc), the scientific study of all forms of human and animal behavior, sometimes concerned with the methods through which behavior can be modified (Collins Dictionary). Goals of Psychology to describe behavior which helps in understanding and gaining a better perspective on behavior, to explain behavior and what influences it? to predict human behavior about how one thinks and act, to change behavior which can be constructive i...